29 Photos that will make you want to Explore the Backcountry
The 2015 Photo Recap

2015 has been quite the year! Our explorations saw us travel over 3000km by canoe and foot. We paddled in 3 different countries and spent over 50 nights in a tent! In looking back on the year, we've assembled a collection of photos from our numerous adventures. It's been quite the experience! The 2016 explorations are already in the planning stages, so please feel free to follow us for updates on future adventures!

Winter Storm: Silent Lake

Backcountry Sunset: Kawartha's

Distant Peaks: Big Bend National Park, Texas - Mexico

The Heart of the Canyon: Big Bend National Park, Texas - Mexico

Icebreaker: Ausable River

Forward to Adventure: Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands

The Drained Lake: Wildcat Wilderness

Fireside: Algonquin

High Falls: Partridge Creek

Testing the TuffStuff: Partridge Creek

Reflections: Memesagamesing - French River

Running Rapids: Shebeshekong River

Evening Magic: Franklin Island - Georgian Bay

Morning Thoughts: Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands

Island Paradise: Lingham Lake

Beached: West Spanish Forest

Misty River: Agnes River

At the End of the Portage: Algonquin

Foggy Calm: Algonquin

The Route Seldom Paddled: Dog Creek - Loring

Solo in the Fog: Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands

Launching: Rideau Canal

Fall Moose: Parc national de la Gaspésie

Caribou on the Mountain: Parc national de la Gaspésie

Pondering: Kawartha Highlands Signature Site

Gumby Squared (Halloween): Algonquin

Fall Paddle: Indian River

High Falls Campsite: Eels Creek